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Training No Shows

The cases of students confirming their training sessions and then not showing up on time is on the rise. Sometimes the students “just forget” about that they had confirmed the session. Other times, reasons such as sickness, delayed from work/school etc are attributed. While these reasons may be genuine and we do not suggest otherwise, it is the responsibility of the student alone to keep the trainer informed of any such occurrences. These cancellations are completely avoidable and result in wasted Training Hours, which can be utilized with other students in the training queue.

To mitigate these occurrences it is being clarified :

  1. Once a student confirms the session with trainer, he can request a rescheduling upto 2 Hrs prior to the session time.
  2. On the training day, your trainer will only wait for a maximum of 15 minutes for you from the confirmed schedule time.
  3. Missing this 15 minute window due any reason, or any re

    Division News Published on 18-07-2017 by AFSAL ZAIN

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